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Celebrating our Students' 2023 IGCSE Success!

Writer's picture: Lotus BridgeLotus Bridge

We're excited to share our IGCSE successes from 2023. A total of 7 students sat for the 2023 Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE). We are very proud that all of them have graduated to Year 11 or are pursuing post-secondary study at Polytechnic.

Commendable Results

Here are our results by subject, and the percentage of our students who scored in each bracket.

Congratulations to all our 7 students!

Our Top Student

Special mention and congratulations to Sayem, our top student:

Sayem Muntasir Mamun scored 5 A*s, 2 As and 1 B!

Congratulations also to Tathai, Khalid and Sathya who all did very well.

Tathai Asri Akhter scored 4 As and 3 Bs!

Suresh Sathyanarayanan scored 3 A*s, 3 As, 1 B, and 1 D.

Mohamed Khalid Kulam scored 1 A*, 3 As, 1 B and 1 D.

He is pursuing further study at Singapore Polytechnic.

We also wholeheartedly congratulate Nasrat, Rose, and Joy who put in a tremendous amount of work and graduated.

Left to Right: Jaha Nasrat, Rose Marriam Macero Faizuddin Shak, and Das Joy Kumar

They have all worked very hard this year, displayed their commitment to their education, have consistently improved, and have all achieved success (quality passes in 5 subjects each) in their IGCSEs!


The class celebrating with their teachers and school directors.

A candid moment!

Sayem gave a heartfelt speech of thanks to teachers on behalf of the Year 10.

The Next Leg

Sayem, Tathai, Nasrat, Rose and Joy are all continuing their post-secondary education with us. We look forward to continuing to teach, support, and accelerate them to excellence in the Year 12 Examinations in 2025.

We would also like to welcome Ponnusamy Janani who has joined our A-level Class.


Lotus Bridge International School
PEI Registration No.: 201800511H

27 May 2021 to 26 May 2025

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